MKA Insights
Code of Professional Conduct

Our values define who we are as individuals and who we aspire to be as a firm. This document seeks to outline our behavior and attitudes towards each other and our Clients. Under no circumstances does this Code replace an individual’s ability to make legal, ethical, reasonable and sound decisions regarding themselves and those individuals and entities who may be impacted by their decisions. This document seeks to provide principles by which we seek to hold ourselves accountable. Failure to comply with our policies may result in disciplinary action including termination of employment.
This Code of Professional Conduct is intended to be a living document and may change from time to time.
Our Focus on the Human Spirit
As we learn, grow and mature as an organization we will continue to evolve in our approach to managing client challenges. However, what will not change is our focus on the human spirit. As we deal with business challenges, it is quite easy to lose sight of the human element of the people we work with. We will continue to put people as human beings first.
Value 1: Honesty
We believe that honesty truly is the best policy. We seek to operate with transparency to ensure that our clients and employees have access to honest and timely information that can affect their ability to make decisions regarding their business or professional matters. Furthermore, honesty provides a certain objectivity and clarity to shape perspectives that are unobscured from the cloud of subjectivity and opinions.
Value 2: Fidelity
Loyalty is a fundamental tenet that describes who we are as an organization. It is a quality that we seek out in new Partners and employees as we build a culture of mutual trust and respect, which drives loyalty. Loyalty to our clients in working with them to solve challenges that go beyond contractual relationships and into deeper meaningful relationships with those who have the option and still choose to work with us. This choice to work with MKA Insights further inspires and cultivates our loyalty and ensuring that we act in our clients’ best interests.
Value 3: No Nonsense
We recognize that not everyone speaks consulting jargon but that our clients and our employees need to be able to understand us. This is why we seek to utilize a no-nonsense approach in our communications that is focused on getting the job done rather than self-promoting our knowledge of fancy terminology and lingo.
We are obsessed with information and asking questions. When we work with clients, we seek to learn as much as we can about the industry, the client, its competitors, the markets, its customers, its technology and any other relevant information so that we can attempt to build a picture of the current landscape. This information helps us in generating insights into opportunities and risks for the organization.
However, we also recognize the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of that client information and expect all colleagues to do the same.
Value 5: Education
We believe that with an education, you can aspire to be anything you want to be. This is why we focus so heavily on providing our employees with on-going professional development and creating a runway for advancement. Those with the aptitude to learn combined with the fortitude to overcome are sought after because we want individuals that think differently, live differently and push boundaries – because these same individuals will help us approach our work and our client challenges with unique perspectives from a road less traveled.