Phased Approach to Growth

By: Kiran Chin

June, 2020


Successful strategic planning

It goes without saying that strategic objectives are not realized immediately. In order to plan for these realities, it is prudent to engage in a phased approach to strategic planning. Many plans have a short-term, medium-term and long-term focus.


Planners seek to identify “low-hanging fruit” that can be achieved quickly with very little (if any) cost implications and are easy to complete. These initiatives should be placed in a “Short-Term” bucket and addressed quickly within 12 months.


The next area of focus for strategic planners is the “Medium-Term”, which can be defined differently according to each organization’s perspective of what constitutes medium-term – this may be 1-2 year or 2-4 years depending. These medium-term objectives require some investment and time/resources to complete. They may require some training and realignment but are not overly complex.


Long-term objectives take time to materialize and require a significant time and monetary investment. These multi-year initiatives may include the construction of a new facility and require constant monitoring towards stated objectives.


For each strategic initiative that is identified in the “Long-Term” – a project plan should be identified which allows the organization to achieve milestones at regular intervals to ensure progress towards completion.


How to build a strategic plan

What is business strategy